Here it is 2014 and a group of us got together to get in our 1st diver of 2014 . There was 4 of us Tony W. , Clifton H. ,Josh G.. We met up at 10:30am to get in the water close to 11:00am .It was real cold when I left the house , It was a whopping 26*. The sun was hiding behind the cloud cover . There was a slight breeze blowing. Josh Called to let us know he was going to be a little late ,So we talked a little then geared up while we waited . Josh arrived 15 minutes or so later . The plan was to put a sign I had made ( painted like a dive flag .I wrote on it NEW YEARS 20 and we all signed the back of it) down by a big tree laying North and South just off the point .
Josh was to lead to find the tree at 42' . We missed it so we then tied the sign to a rock amongst the rubble pile . we then worked our way over to the area by the bowel . Josh was having problems with his ears so we stayed shallow.
At some point we lost cliffton we found each other and did the rounds . Just a great way to start the NEW YEAR